Monday, February 2, 2009

My Life on a String

It is weird to think that college life as I know it is over...and not over at the same time. Furthermore, the way things in life do or do not work out always perplexes me...why things happen and why they don't. I guess that's my whole reason for going in to science anyway.

But there is this weird feeling that tells me not everything is explainable, and that scares me. I'm an agnostic person, and while I do not disbelieve in the existence of God, it doesn't mean that I believe that He, or whoever is up actually there. It is such a weird thing to explain how this works out in my head without actually causing it to explode.

Either way, I think...I know I can make my current, and hopefully last, career goal a reality. The only problem is, I don't know how long it will take me. Classes are alright, but I will say I am not a fan of most of them...mainly because I have this goal and none of them really push me towards that goal. I feel bad because I sometimes feel like this semester isn't doing me any good.

On a completely different note...I miss my friends a lot. I realized that this Saturday at the Jeff Dunham Marathon. I never see them and I have missed out on a huge part of my life last year. They would joke about things that happened last semester I had never heard of...It made me think.

I feel like I'm more of a burden on my friends than anything else. Almost like they don't want to expend the energy or effort to come and visit me. Now I understand their thing about how there are like10 over on campus and just me here...but I never said anything about them all coming as a group every single time. I dunno, it seems like every time I visit, I feel increasingly disconnected.

I dislike that feeling.

1 comment:

Joanie E said...

Sweetie your not a burden. But you gotta remember it isn't really easy to come over one at a time...particularly when some of us (namely me and Ally) don't have vehicles

just a thought